Professional Services Coffee Session – Credibility & Building Trust

The Professional Services Coffee Session is for those business owners who are looking for morning networking and building connections with local businesses. 

Each month, on the 4th Thursday of the month from 8:30am to 10am, we meet at The Bakery on Gilroy Road opposite Cameron Park. 

The topic for this session was Building Credibility and Trust. 

The following ways were discussed: 

– Reviews – get reviews on Google and LinkedIn. this is social proof

– Social media with regular photos of business activities

– Keeping in touch via emails and newsletters

– CRMS are very useful – remembering people’s birthdays and keeping in touch is vital. 

– Christmas Cards are another great way. 

– Loyalty programs, Red Balloon vouchers

– Follow-up is crucial. 

Come along, for informal and constructive discussions with local business owners.